Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lake George, Northwest Bay

Day paddle from the state launch into the Narrows. Nice way to finish the first half of '09.

July begins tomorrow.....there remains to fabricate and install a skeg controller and the cheek plates, do a final sanding, and start in with the varnish. Then install the skeg cable, deck lines, carry toggles and bungies, foam the seat and back rest, and PADDLE!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Deck to hull seamed

With some help from my friend Sheldon, managed to get the deck and hull mated.
Applied two-inch six ounce tape down the insides, then two layers on the outside (three-inch six ounce tape underneath, strips of six ounce glass cut on bias on top).

Once it hardens up, I'll start filling and fairing the deck and hull. There's not too much to be done before varnishing: carbon fiber on hatch lips, a recess for the skeg control, and bulkheads. After several coats of varnish comes the hatch rims. Then the outfitting: the skeg, footbraces, seat, backrest, thigh braces, carry toggles, bungees and perimeter line. And finally, water.